Security News

'Digital Climate Change': An Inconvenient Truth
2019-11-11 19:33

John Walker on Digital Transformation and Securing the FutureToo many organizations continue to use digital assets and infrastructure even when they can see that they have information security...

Bill Would Create a Federal Digital Privacy Agency
2019-11-08 14:03

Legislation Spells Out Privacy Rights and Enforcement MeasuresTwo Democratic members of the U.S. House have proposed a national privacy law that calls for the formation of a new federal agency to...

Tech Firms React to Netizens' Digital Privacy Concerns
2019-11-08 11:53

Whistleblowers and digital pioneers have long been sounding the alarm about abuses of our privacy online. Now, a slew of tech entrepreneurs are bidding to turn growing consciousness about the...

Beam Me Up, Alexa: Digital Assistants Hacked By Lasers
2019-11-05 14:18

Lasers Mimicking Voice Commands Can Open DoorsIt's a laser-focused hack. Literally. Voice-controlled assistants such as Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri and Google's Assistant can be tricked into...

The digital economy is approaching a critical tipping point
2019-11-05 04:30

As the current decade comes to an end, the digital economy is approaching a critical tipping point. By 2023, the global economy will finally reach “digital supremacy” with more than half of all...

Europe's digital identity system needs patching after can_we_trust_this function call ignored
2019-10-30 07:03

ExplicitKeyTrustEvaluator... True, false? Who cares, just accept it anyway Security flaws have been found in the European Union's electronic identity system that could have been exploited by...

Digital Transformation in Pharma Introduces New OT Security Threats
2019-10-29 15:53

The increased use of automated control systems to manage drug formulations and product quality (particularly for combination drugs) is creating new security risks for the pharmaceutical industry. ...

UK Ministry of Justice brags about new digital forensics unit to thwart tech-savvy jailbirds
2019-10-29 11:42

Probing contraband mobes to reduce prison crimes The UK Ministry of Justice is setting up a digital forensics lab to probe mobile phones seized from prisoners.…

Western Digital offers optimized on-camera storage for public safety and AI analytics use cases
2019-10-29 03:00

Western Digital, addressed head-on the need to optimize storage for video and AI analytics at the network edge. The increased use of smart cameras and ever-rising video resolutions are driving the...

Cypaw launches it’s limited-time free beta of their cloud based digital footprint analyser
2019-10-28 03:30

Cypaw launches its beta of their cloud based digital footprint analyser which helps secure businesses against email credential compromise. Cypaw automatically monitors business email use in order...