Security News

BlackBerry AtHoc Managed Service: Crisis communications solutions for all organizations
2020-06-24 01:30

BlackBerry AtHoc Managed Service delivers the full featured BlackBerry AtHoc system as a service managed and delivered by BlackBerry. BlackBerry AtHoc Managed Service can be up and running in 48 hours.

UK COVID-19 contact-tracing app data may be kept for 'research' after crisis ends, MPs told
2020-05-04 16:16

Gould also told Parliament's Human Rights Committee that data harvested from Britons through NHSX's COVID-19 contact tracing app would be "Pseudonymised" - and appeared to leave the door open for that data to be sold on for "Research". Key to those is a big green button that the user presses to send 28 days' worth of contact data to the NHS. Written by tech arm NHSX, Britain's contact-tracing app breaks with international convention by opting for a centralised model of data collection: all the contact-tracing data is kept under one roof in one central government database.

Criminals Quick to Exploit COVID-19 Crisis in Europe
2020-05-01 03:55

In a report Thursday looking at how the pandemic will shape organized crime in the EU, Europol said much of the criminality related to the deadly virus reflects the flexibility of criminal organizations, a trend that was already witnessed during previous financial crises. The impact became evident much more quickly, with a sharp increase in cybercrime in the first weeks of the virus's spread. "New and adapted attacks appeared almost immediately from the onset of the crisis and have been among the most visible types of criminality," Europol said.

Coronavirus Crisis Forces Tor Project Layoffs
2020-04-20 16:38

The Tor Project is laying off a third of its staff due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, the non-profit organization has announced. The developer of the popular privacy-focused Tor Browser said the crisis hit it hard, forcing it to make some difficult decisions.

Zoom in crisis: How to respond and manage product security incidents
2020-04-15 04:00

Zoom is in crisis mode, facing grave and very public concerns regarding the trust in management's commitment for secure products, the respect for user privacy, the honesty of its marketing, and the design decisions that preserve a positive user experience. Knowing how to respond and manage product security incidents is becoming more important for digital companies.

Safe Remote Access to Critical Infrastructure Networks in a Time of Global Crisis
2020-04-14 13:00

The Wired article argued that it is essential to engineer a way to provide remote access to control system environments for critical infrastructure services such as water, electricity, and fuel refining during the coronavirus crisis. Through server replication, critical infrastructure sites enable 100% real-time visibility into protected networks, 100% protection from remote attacks, with a number of options for truly secure remote access in this time of crisis.

IoT security, neglected infrastructure, and a crisis of trust deemed major threats for 2022
2020-04-13 13:36

The Information Security Forum predicts the coming threats with a very good track record so far. The ideal choice would be to find someone who can predict future threats and to prepare for them in the present.

Deloitte highlights top 9 challenges for enterprises during COVID-19 crisis
2020-04-09 20:16

Deloitte's US Cyber Risk Services leader, Deborah Golden, spoke with TechRepublic about the top 9 challenges she has seen enterprises face now that thousands of enterprises are weeks into the massive shift to remote work. "The need to have these types of tools and technologies has been in organizations prior to COVID-19 but have grown exponentially in use, so the desire to have video and voice at the same time while also sharing and collecting and leveraging for work has caused some challenges that we're seeing across the board," Golden said.2.

Europol: Criminals Exploit Virus Crisis as Fresh Opportunity
2020-03-28 15:58

Criminals are preying on a fearful public and disrupting the provision of medical care during the coronavirus pandemic by selling counterfeit products, impersonating health workers and hacking computers as many citizens do their jobs online at home, European law enforcement agency Europol said Friday. "Criminals have quickly seized the opportunities to exploit the crisis by adapting their modes of operation or developing new criminal activities," Europol Executive Director, Catherine de Bolle said in a statement.

Webinar: You don’t get a pass on cybersecurity during a crisis
2020-03-26 04:15

In this webinar, Mark Sangster discusses how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting businesses and individuals and the need to stay vigilant. Emerging threats from bad actors who are taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis are inevitable.