Security News
Vulnerability Allows a Second Factor for One Account to be Used for All Accounts in an Organization read more
This is similar to taking a room key for a building and turning it into a skeleton key that works on every door in the building.
Your Mac computer running the Apple's latest High Sierra operating system can be hacked by tweaking just two lines of code, a researcher demonstrated at the Def Con security conference on Sunday....
Researchers released a workaround for Apple's USB Restricted Mode security feature the same day it was rolled out.
Security researchers have been warning about a simple technique that cyber criminals and email scammers are using in the wild to bypass most AI-powered phishing detection mechanisms implemented by...
Cybercriminals have been leveraging a technique that involves manipulating font sizes in an effort to increase the chances of their phishing emails bypassing the protections implemented by...
Malware can to worm its way onto Macs thanks to a recently discovered code-signing bypass flaw.
A years-old vulnerability has been discovered in the way several security products for Mac implement Apple's code-signing API that could make it easier for malicious programs to bypass the...
Earlier this year, a security researcher discovered that it was possible to bypass Google’s reCAPTCHA via HTTP parameter pollution. read more
An exploit for the bypass vulnerability required an HTTP parameter pollution in a web application.