Security News

Twitter 2FA phone numbers “inadvertently” used for advertising purposes
2019-10-09 12:13

Twitter’s Support account published the following announcement on Tuesday: We recently found that some email addresses and phone numbers provided for account security may have been used...

YouTube ‘influencers’ get 2FA tokens phished
2019-09-24 14:50

100K or so creators in the YouTube car community were targeted by a phishing campaign that captured 2FA codes.

Google fixes Chromebook 2FA flaw in ‘built-in security key’
2019-09-16 11:35

Google has discovered a flaw in a Chromebook security feature which allows owners to press their device’s power button to initiate U2F 2FA.

FunkyBot Malware Intercepts Android Texts, 2FA Codes
2019-09-05 21:05

The spyware poses as a legitimate application, spreading via SMS messages to victims' contact lists.

GitHub announces wider array of 2FA options, including security keys and biometrics
2019-08-26 11:32

GitHub has started supporting the Web Authentication (WebAuthn) web standard, allowing users to use security keys for two-factor authentication with a wide variety of browsers and devices. New...

Instagram phishing uses 2FA as a lure
2019-08-23 14:08

If the phishing page looks OK, and it has an HTTPS padlock, how are you supposed to spot phishes these days? Read our tips...

Researcher Bypasses Instagram 2FA to Hack Any Account
2019-07-15 15:53

An independent researcher earned a $30,000 bug bounty after discovering a weakness in the mobile recovery process.

Microsoft Adds 2FA-Protected "Personal Vault" Within OneDrive Cloud Storage
2019-06-26 09:18

Microsoft has introduced a new password-protected folder within its OneDrive online file storage service that will allow you to keep your sensitive and important files protected and secured with...

Android Apps Target Bitcoin, By-Passing 2FA
2019-06-17 19:58

Last week researchers reported on apps abusing the Android push notifications feature to deliver spam. Now other researchers have described apps using a similar but more advanced approach to...

Online shops fear 2FA at checkout will increase abandoned carts
2019-06-10 10:05

A report says the EU will lose $64b per year once new 2FA rules go into effect, but we support Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) wholeheartedly.