Security News > 2020

5 tips for keeping your data safe this World Backup Day
2020-03-30 23:16

A regular and reliable backup process will protect you from unexpected data loss of any sort, including cases - as many people will have experienced when coronavirus lockdowns started and they couldn't get back into the office - where your data isn't lost, but you can't get at it anyway. If ransomware strikes your entire network, or a power surge takes out your laptop where you keep your backup drive plugged in all the time, then you no longer have a backup.

Coronavirus-themed spam surged 14,000% in two weeks says IBM
2020-03-30 22:35

Since February, spam exploiting the novel coronavirus has jumped by 4,300% and 14,000% in the past 14 days, according to IBM X-Force, IBM's threat intelligence group. A new report from IBM X-Force reveals just how much COVID-19 spam has been generated and how it's been manifesting itself.

Candid Wüest joins Acronis as Vice President of Cyber Protection Research
2020-03-30 22:30

Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection, announced the appointment of Candid Wüest as Vice President of Cyber Protection Research at Acronis. Wüest will lead accelerated research into the latest trends in the threat landscape and new protection methods designed to continuously enhance the world's most innovative cyber protection solutions.

Cyberattacks rank as the biggest data protection concern facing SMBs
2020-03-30 21:57

World Backup Day is March 31, and while cyberattacks are a potential threat to their data, many SMBs say they don't have a data backup or disaster recovery process, according to data protection company Infrascale. Among them, 49% said that cyberattacks are their biggest concern when it comes to protecting data, while 58% pointed to security vulnerabilities as their biggest data storage challenge.

Nation-State Attacks Drop in Latest Google Analysis
2020-03-30 20:53

On the former front, Google researchers saw a growing trend emerge towards impersonating news outlets and journalists, especially when it comes to attackers from Iran and North Korea. Attackers impersonate a journalist to seed false stories with other reporters to spread disinformation," explained Toni Gidwani, security engineering manager at the company's Threat Analysis Group, writing in an overview of nation-state trends, published last week.

COVID-19: Security risks are increasing as more people work from home
2020-03-30 20:45

Karen Roby: With so many people working from home, security should be top of mind. A lot of people that I've been talking to in companies all around the world built their business continuity plans based upon the assumption that we'd be able to do shift work, where there'd be skeleton crews, left inside of facilities, and it's very clear that now a lot of that has shifted to 100% evacuation from those facilities and 100% work from home.

COVID-19: Security risks are increasing as more people work from home
2020-03-30 20:43

A security expert offers tips on how to keep employees safe in this work-from-home environment during the coronavirus pandemic.

Has Houseparty really hacked your phone and stolen your bank details?
2020-03-30 20:12

If anyone is using that house party app DELETE IT My friends email account been hacked into by it And managed to get bank account details too and has hacked that. To be honest, we can't tell you that the Houseparty app is bug-free, because we haven't decompiled or analysed it, and even if we had, working out that an app is totally free of vulnerabilities is a close-to-impossible exercise, as are many tasks where you are expected to prove a negative.

Zoom Kills iOS App’s Data-Sharing Facebook Feature
2020-03-30 19:27

Zoom has removed a feature in its iOS web conferencing app that was sharing analytics data with Facebook, after a report revealing the practice sparked outrage. In a Friday post, Zoom that it has now removed the "Login with Facebook" software development kit for iOS, which was the feature tied to the data sharing: "Our customers' privacy is incredibly important to us, and therefore we decided to remove the Facebook SDK in our iOS client, and have reconfigured the feature so that users will still be able to log in with Facebook via their browser," according to Eric Yuan, founder of Zoom.

Vulnerabilities Expose Lexus, Toyota Cars to Hacker Attacks
2020-03-30 19:12

Vulnerabilities in Lexus and Toyota cars could be exploited by hackers to launch remote attacks against affected vehicles, researchers at China-based Tencent Keen Security Lab discovered. Research into the AVN system in the 2017 Lexus NX300 - the same system is also used in other models, including LS and ES series - has revealed security issues with the Bluetooth and vehicular diagnosis functions on the car.