Security News

App Found in Google Play Exploits Recent Android Zero-Day
2020-01-07 05:29

A malicious application in the Google Play store targeted a recently patched zero-day vulnerability that affects multiple Android devices, including Google's Pixel phones. Tracked as CVE-2019-2215, the vulnerability was disclosed as a zero-day in October by Google Project Zero security researcher Maddie Stone.

Top Zero Days, Data Breaches and Security Stories of 2019: News Wrap
2019-12-20 17:40

From ransomware ramp up, to voice assistant privacy perils, the Threatpost team breaks down the top news stories from this past year.

Understanding the Risk of Zero-Day Exploits
2019-12-16 14:00

While the best protective measures can't protect your business completely from a zero-day attack, many of the same cybersecurity best practices are useful for protecting against zero-day exploits.

As malware and network attacks increase in 2019, zero day malware accounts for 50% of detections
2019-12-13 05:30

Amid significant increases in both malware and network attacks, multiple Apache Struts vulnerabilities – including one used in the devastating Equifax data breach – appeared for the first time on...

Microsoft Patches Windows Zero-Day Exploited in Korea-Linked Attacks
2019-12-11 05:12

Microsoft’s December 2019 Patch Tuesday updates fix a total of 36 vulnerabilities, including a Windows zero-day that has been exploited in attacks alongside a Chrome zero-day. read more

Microsoft Zaps Actively Exploited Zero-Day Bug
2019-12-10 21:21

December 2019's relatively light Patch Tuesday update also fixes seven critical flaws.

December 2019 Patch Tuesday: Microsoft fixes one actively exploited zero-day
2019-12-10 19:53

For December 2019 Patch Tuesday, Microsoft and Adobe have released the final scheduled security updates for this year. Microsoft’s fixes Microsoft’s security releases are for Windows, Internet...

Atlassian scrambles to fix zero-day security hole accidentally disclosed on Twitter
2019-12-05 00:55

Exposed private cert key may also be an issue for IBM Aspera Twitter security celeb SwiftOnSecurity on Tuesday inadvertently disclosed a zero-day vulnerability affecting enterprise software biz...

Zero-Day Exploits Earn Hackers Over $500K at Chinese Competition
2019-11-18 09:03

White hat hackers have earned $545,000 for successfully demonstrating zero-day exploits targeting products from VMware, Microsoft, Google, Apple, D-Link, and Adobe at the 2019 Tianfu Cup hacking...

November 2019 Patch Tuesday fixes 13 critical flaws and one zero day
2019-11-13 17:12

November’s Patch Tuesday arrived to plug 73 CVE-level vulnerabilities across Microsoft’s software products, including 13 'criticals'.