Security News

Loapi Android Trojan Does All Sorts of Bad
2017-12-19 15:25

A recently discovered Android malware features a modular architecture that allows it to perform a broad range of nefarious act read more

Ursnif Trojan Adopts New Code Injection Technique
2017-12-04 16:41

Researchers have found a variant of Ursnif Trojan they said is a “v3 build” that targets Australian bank customers with new redirection attack techniques.

EMOTET Trojan Variant Evades Malware Analysis
2017-11-17 18:36

A recently observed variant of the EMOTET banking Trojan features new routines that allow it to evade sandbox and malware analysis, Trend Micro security researchers say. read more

Banking Trojan Gains Ability to Steal Facebook, Twitter and Gmail Accounts
2017-11-17 08:08

Security researchers have discovered a new, sophisticated form of malware based on the notorious Zeus banking Trojan that steals more than just bank account details. Dubbed Terdot, the banking...

Terdot Banking Trojan Could Act as Cyber-Espionage Tool
2017-11-16 16:57

The Terdot banking Trojan packs information-stealing capabilities that could easily turn it into a cyber-espionage tool, Bitdefender says in a new report. read more

Researcher: McAfee URL Security Service Gave Pass to Trojan
2017-11-16 16:03

But ClickProtect Worked as Designed, McAfee ContendsA security service from McAfee designed to scan and block malicious links sent via email appears to have given a free pass to "Emotet" banking...

McAfee URL Security Service Gave Pass To Banking Trojan
2017-11-16 10:33

But ClickProtect Worked As Designed, McAfee ContendsA security service from McAfee designed to scan and block malicious links sent via email appears to have given a free pass to "Emotet" banking...

New IcedID Banking Trojan Emerges
2017-11-14 16:16

A newly discovered banking Trojan called IcedID was built with a modular design and modern capabilities when compared to older financial threats, IBM X-Force warns. read more

IcedID: Original new banking Trojan emerges
2017-11-13 18:10

IcedID, a new banking Trojan that does not seem to have borrowed code from other similar threats, has entered the financial cybercrime arena. It was first spotted in the wild in September 2017,...

New IcedID Trojan Targets US Banks
2017-11-13 17:42

A new banking Trojan dubbed IcedID is is being distributed by a seasoned cybergang or hacker targeting U.S. financial institutions.