Security News
According to a recent TalentLMS survey on the state of cybersecurity training, 61% of employees who took cybersecurity training failed a basic test. Offering perfunctory cybersecurity training just to tick a box does not help employees build healthier habits and leaves companies exposed to cyberattacks and phishing scams.
Cyber security professionals are continuously thinking about how to prevent cyber security breaches from happening, with employees and contractors often proving to be the most significant risk factor for causing cyber security incidents. Proactive cyber security professionals will find that an effective security awareness training program can significantly reduce their risk of getting exposed to a cyber incident.
In this interview with Help Net Security, Mike Hendrickson, VP of Technology & Developer Solutions at educational technology company Skillsoft, talks about the effect these last few years have had on online cybersecurity learning and training, and the trends. What trends in online cybersecurity training have you been seeing in the last year or so?
Develop the necessary skills and use the tools to be an ethical hacker through this 120-hour comprehensive course bundle. Penetration testers are another word for ethical hackers, and they're incredibly in demand.
Everything you need to be a certified cybersecurity analyst. While there are many career routes to choose from, one worth considering is becoming a cyber security analyst.
Receive over 100 hours of expert instruction on globally recognized cybersecurity skills that will help you become an in-demand IT professional. With the Cybersecurity Expert Certification Training Bundle, you can take advantage of hundreds of hours of instruction on globally recognized cybersecurity skills so you can be well on your way to becoming an in-demand IT professional.
With cybercrime becoming more frequent and severe, there's no question that the demand for cybersecurity skills will remain high well into the future, and now you can learn them easily. Major cybercrimes are happening every single day, so the demand for cybersecurity experts has never been higher, and will probably remain so well into the future.
What excites a security professional is not exciting for developers because, at the end of the day, a developer needs to build, not to break. While it can be fun to find and exploit a security vulnerability, this should not be the goal of secure coding training.
As you may or may not know given the frequency of data breaches during the pandemic era, but October is cybersecurity awareness month.While many organisations have advocated for smarter cybersecurity practices to be observed in our personal and professional lives, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is offering something on top of this – freely accessible cybersecurity awareness training.
Which is why SANS Institute's ICS Cybersecurity In-depth course gives candidates hands-on, in the room access to a sophisticated ICS setup, designed to simulate a real world SCADA environment, with operators in a "Remote" control centre monitoring and controlling "Field" equipment and "Local" HMI kit. That's why ICS Cybersecurity In-depth is the only one of SANS' 70 plus courses that is only available in person.