Security News

HITB Armory: Independent security researchers to showcase their tools
2018-11-14 06:55

Organized in collaboration with Maximiliano Soler from ToolsWatch and Matteo Beccaro from Opposing Force, the HITB Armory is a brand new area of HITB2018DXB where independent researchers will get...

DFLabs open framework enables integration of SOAR and security tools
2018-11-08 04:00

DFLabs launched a new version of the IncMan SOAR platform that provides an open integration framework for customizing and adding new automated integrations between security tools and IncMan SOAR,...

Hybrid cloud complexity pushes organizations to look for more security tools
2018-11-07 06:15

As more organizations embrace hybrid cloud – with more than 50 percent claiming a hybrid cloud setup – and serverless, now used by close to third of organizations, they lack the tools and...

75% of organizations are buying more security tools to keep up with cloud in 2019
2018-11-06 14:54

While more than half of organizations use a hybrid cloud setup, many are still configuring security policies manually, or are using too many tools.

Google Boosts Account Security With New Tools, Protections
2018-11-01 09:18

Google on Wednesday announced several new tools and protection mechanisms designed to help users secure their accounts and recover them in case they have been compromised. read more

The top 15 DBaaS tools cloud developers use the most
2018-10-25 15:17

Scalability is a huge deciding factor for professionals looking at DBaaS brands. Here are the 15 most popular among cloud developers.

Spotted: Miscreants use pilfered NSA hacking tools to pwn boxes in nuke, aerospace worlds
2018-10-19 20:39

High-value servers targeted by cyber-weapons dumped online by Shadow Brokers Miscreants are using a trio of NSA hacking tools, leaked last year by the Shadow Brokers, to infect and spy on computer...

New IBM Security Platform Connects Data, Tools From Several Vendors
2018-10-15 18:37

IBM Security on Monday unveiled a new cloud-based platform that combines the company's own capabilities with data, applications and tools from more than a dozen other vendors. read more

'Five Eyes' Agencies Release Joint Report on Hacking Tools
2018-10-12 05:22

Cybersecurity agencies in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have released a joint report describing five of the most commonly used hacking tools. read more teams up with Five Eyes chums to release spotters' guide for hacking tools
2018-10-11 16:58

Crouching tiger, hidden APT The UK's National Cyber Security Centre and its western intel pals have put out a report spotlighting the most commonly abused hacking utilities.…