Security News

Google joined the Patch Tuesday parade with a Chrome update that patches seven vulnerabilities in the browser. It also announced it was extending Safe Browsing protection to Chrome for Android.

Apple has piled on the patches already released by Adobe and Microsoft today, and pushed out updates for iOS, OS X, Apple TV, Safari, and it’s watch-based operating system watchOS.

Microsoft patches 71 vulnerabilities in its December Patch Tuesday security bulletins, including two currently under attack. It has also revoked a leaked Xbox Live certificate and private key.

Adobe's monthly Flash Player update patches 79 code execution vulnerabilities, including 56 use-after-free flaws.

A coalition of law enforcement agencies worked together to disrupt Dorkbot, a botnet that’s managed to infect more than one million machines in 190 countries over the last year.

Google's monthly over-the-air Nexus security updates for December included patches for a critical flaw in Mediaserver and a rooting vulnerability in the Android kernel.

Experts believe that the success tied to a recent spate of DDoS for hire groups may be because many are copycat collectives operating with a shorter lifespan.

A group of attackers are behind a strain of payment card malware that has bootkit functionality, something that makes it very difficult to detect, much less remove. “FIN1,” the group behind the...

The Let’s Encrypt initiative reached yet another milestone this week when it entered public beta, a step that it claims will help make it easier for website owners to embrace HTTPS encryption.

The OpenSSL Software Foundation patched four vulnerabilities on Thursday, likely the last time that two older versions of the software library will receive updates.