Security News
After being threatened with a ban in Russia, end-to-end encrypted Telegram messaging app has finally agreed to register with new Russian Data Protection Laws, but its founder has assured that the...
Roskomnadzor, Russia’s communications regulator, is threatening to ban the use of popular encrypted messaging app Telegram. The request Roskomnadzor is a federal agency tasked with overseeing that...
Russia has threatened a ban against Telegram end-to-end encrypted messaging app, after Pavel Durov, its founder, refused to sign up to the country's new data protection laws. Russia's FSB...
Joining the line with rival chat apps WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, and Signal, the Telegram instant messaging service has finally rolled out a much-awaited feature for the new beta...
Check Point researchers today revealed a new vulnerability on WhatsApp and Telegram’s online platforms – WhatsApp Web & Telegram Web. By exploiting this vulnerability, attackers could completely...
WhatsApp and Telegram patched vulnerabilities in the last week that could have let an attacker take over a user's account.
Telecrypt, a newly spotted piece of crypto ransomware that uses Telegram’s communication protocol to deliver the decryption key to the crooks, is targeting Russian-speaking users. The malware...