Security News

How businesses and individuals can be ensnared by coronavirus-related spam
2020-04-23 12:42

Cybercriminals have been busy exploiting the coronavirus by creating malicious virus-themed websites, apps, and emails. Released on Thursday, IBM X-Force's 2020 Consumer & Small Business COVID-19 Awareness Study found that many people don't understand that certain government agencies, such as the IRS, would never contact them by email.

Coronavirus-themed spam surged 14,000% in two weeks says IBM
2020-03-30 22:35

Since February, spam exploiting the novel coronavirus has jumped by 4,300% and 14,000% in the past 14 days, according to IBM X-Force, IBM's threat intelligence group. A new report from IBM X-Force reveals just how much COVID-19 spam has been generated and how it's been manifesting itself.

How one man could have flooded your phone with Microsoft spam
2020-02-27 15:17

Microsoft has a neat web page that helps you get Outlook set up on your phone. Just like Italian security researcher Luca Epifanio, our first thought was, "What if someone decides to put in someone else's phone number and then spam them over and over and over again?".

How to report a phishing or spam email to Microsoft
2020-02-17 17:26

Another option is to report the email to Microsoft for analysis via the Outlook add-in called Report Message or a specific Microsoft address. You can use the process to report a "False negative," meaning a spam message that should have been identified as spam but was not.

Cybercriminals flooding web with coronavirus-themed spam and malware
2020-02-14 17:30

Cybercriminals were already using convincing but fake emails from the WHO, CDC and Japanese government to trick people into downloading PDF, MP4 and Microsoft Word DOCX files. The shipping and manufacturing industry have taken massive hits because of the quarantines in China, and cybercriminals have sought to exploit that by bombarding companies with malware, spam and fake emails with links to sites like Office 365, Adobe and DocuSign hoping to steal emails and passwords.

Google’s Chrome 80 clamps down on cookies and notification spam
2020-02-06 12:14

Version 80 of the Chrome browser is out with some new features designed to save your security and your sanity. The first is the first-party site that you are visiting, which needs those cookies for things like logging you back in automatically.

SEO Spam Dominated Website Infections in 2019: Report
2020-01-30 05:47

Last year, SEO spam was the most frequently observed threat on compromised websites, according to a new report from GoDaddy-owned web security company Sucuri. Nearly two-thirds of infected websites had a form of SEO spam present, with database spam being the most prevalent form of infection.

December's Most Wanted Malware: Greta Thunberg-themed spam used to spread Emotet
2020-01-13 20:08

Check Point's December 2019 Index finds Emotet as lead malware for the third month in a row, spreading email spam, some which alleged support of the teen activist. Emotet was the leading malware threat for the third month in a row, according to Check Point's December 2019 Global Threat Index.

Spam over phone and email is changing consumer communication preferences
2019-12-20 05:00

Of today’s main communications mediums – text, phone calls and email – consumers get the most spam over phone and email: 70% said they receive spam often over email and 51% said the same for phone...

Keybase Nixes Stellar Airdrop After Spam, Fake Accounts
2019-12-16 14:04

Volume of Fake Accounts Beyond What Could Be FilteredEncrypted chat and messaging application Keybase has found out what happens when you wrap a cryptocurrency giveaway into your service. In...