Security News

MSPs urged to refine security solutions in response to growing SMB needs
2023-04-10 03:00

About 90% of respondents hailed automation as a crucial technology for their business because it improves efficiency, allows them to take on more clients and generates more revenue by automating common processes like endpoint management, monitoring, patching, ticket resolution and even cybersecurity. 64% of the executive and 54% of technician respondents picked automation, including auto-remediation of tickets, as their top remote monitoring and management feature.

Lack of security employees makes SMBs sitting ducks for cyber attacks
2023-04-04 03:00

To strengthen their cybersecurity posture, companies must spend valuable resources on maintaining or updating systems, hiring and training staff, and implementing security software - resources and options that many don't have readily available. For businesses, security breaches risk not only exposure to customer data and a decrease in trust, but also losses in revenue if systems are taken offline through attacks such as DDoS. "The findings in this report show that SMBs have specific needs and pain points, particularly when it comes to hiring and having dedicated security employees," said Tyler Healy, VP of Security at DigitalOcean.

South Korea fines McDonald's for data leak from raw SMB share
2023-03-23 02:29

In a separate incident, another 766,846 burger-buyers whose data should have been destroyed after a retention period expired also saw their info leak, attracting a ₩10 million wrist slap. The company therefore coughed up info about 1,540 customers, and earned ₩40 million in fines.

Microsoft finally fixes Windows 11 slow file copy issues over SMB
2023-03-12 15:16

Microsoft has finally addressed a known issue causing significant performance hits when copying large files over SMB after installing the Windows 11 2022 update. The fix comes after Microsoft's Ned Pyle explained in October that "There is a performance reduction in 22H2 when copying larger files from a remote computer down to a Windows 11 computer or when copying files on a local drive."

Uncovering the most pressing cybersecurity concerns for SMBs
2023-03-02 05:30

In this Help Net Security video interview, James Edgar, CISO at Fleetcor, discusses what consequences SMBs are most concerned about when it comes to cyberattacks, what technology SMBs are most...

Four steps SMBs can take to close SaaS security gaps
2023-02-20 05:30

Gartner forecasts a 16.8% growth for SaaS in 2023 as companies - including SMBs - add new SaaS platforms to their IT stack. Too often we find SMBs think security is all in the hands of the SaaS provider, when in fact the SaaS customer is always responsible for their data and their users.

Critical “10-out-of-10” Linux kernel SMB hole – should you worry?
2022-12-27 19:35

ZDI doesn't just deal in competitive bug hunting in its twice-a-year contests, so it also regularly puts out vulnerability notices for zero-days that were disclosed in more conventional ways, like this one, entitled Linux Kernel ksmbd Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. Even though this bug has had some dramatic coverage over the holiday weekend, given that it was a remote code execution hole in the Linux kernel itself, and came with a so-called CVSS score of 10/10, considered Critical.

Fear of cyberattacks drives SMBs to spend more on software
2022-12-07 04:00

Despite fears of a looming recession, SMBs in the U.S. are spending more on software in 2023, according to Capterra's 2023 SMB Software Buying Trends Survey. 75% of U.S. SMBs estimate they'll spend more on software in 2023 compared to 2022.

7 Cyber Security Tips for SMBs
2022-11-29 11:30

Assuming you're not a target leads to lax security practices in many SMBs who lack the knowledge or expertise to put simple security steps in place. According to a Cyber Security Breaches Survey, businesses that hold electronic personal data of their customers are more likely than average to have had breaches.

7 Cyber Security Tips for SMBs
2022-11-29 11:30

Assuming you're not a target leads to lax security practices in many SMBs who lack the knowledge or expertise to put simple security steps in place. According to a Cyber Security Breaches Survey, businesses that hold electronic personal data of their customers are more likely than average to have had breaches.