Security News

How prepared are SMBs to recover from disaster?
2020-06-10 05:00

Ninety-two percent of SMB executives said they believe their businesses are prepared to recover from a disaster. "That data suggests that there are either varying definitions of what it means to be able to recover from a disaster or, quite simply, a lack of understanding of what it truly means to be able to recover from a disaster. Make no mistake, if a business does not have a disaster recovery solution in place, or at the very least a solution to back up its data, there is no way it can get the data back from a data loss event."

SMBleed: A New Critical Vulnerability Affects Windows SMB Protocol
2020-06-09 20:44

Cybersecurity researchers today uncovered a new critical vulnerability affecting the Server Message Block protocol that could allow attackers to leak kernel memory remotely, and when combined with a previously disclosed "Wormable" bug, the flaw can be exploited to achieve remote code execution attacks. The newly discovered vulnerability impacts Windows 10 versions 1903 and 1909, for which Microsoft today released security patches as part of its monthly Patch Tuesday updates for June.

13% of SMBs have already experienced a cyberattack since the COVID-19 pandemic began
2020-05-07 15:36

Nearly one in seven senior decision makers said their organization has already experienced at least one cyberattack since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new report by Alliant Cybersecurity. SEE: Cybersecurity: SMBs are keeping up with big companies, according to Cisco survey.

Cybersecurity: SMBs are keeping up with big companies, according to Cisco survey
2020-05-04 13:00

Cisco survey finds security experts at mid-sized companies have strong incident response plans and prioritize proactive threat hunting. Security teams at small businesses are just as good at defending corporate data and networks as their colleagues at bigger organizations, according to a new survey from Cisco.

Ransomware: Why SMBs are especially vulnerable to attacks
2020-04-21 16:34

Organizations hit by ransomware attacks can suffer several types of losses. A report released Tuesday by Infrascale illustrates how SMBs are faring at defending themselves against ransomware.

46% of SMBs have been targeted by ransomware, 73% have paid the ransom
2020-04-21 04:30

73% of those SMBs that have been the targets of ransomware attacks actually have paid a ransom, Infrascale reveals. B2B orgs were more likely to be ransomware targets than B2Cs. Business-to-business organizations were more likely to have experienced a ransomware attack than business-to-consumer entities, according to the Infrascale survey results.

Emerging MakeFrame Skimmer from Magecart Sets Sights on SMBs
2020-04-02 13:10

Researchers have observed a new skimmer from the prolific Magecart Group that has been actively harvesting payment-card data from 19 different victim websites, mainly belonging to small- and medium-sized businesses, for several months. "In some cases, we've seen MakeFrame using compromised sites for all three of its functions - hosting the skimming code itself, loading the skimmer on other compromised websites and exfiltrating the stolen data," Herman and Ihm wrote.

21% of SMBs do not have a data backup or disaster recovery solution in place
2020-03-31 05:00

"Data protection can come into play in a wide array of important ways - including data security and encryption, data recovery, email protection and data archiving. It also provides the ability to recover quickly from a disaster, protection from and mitigation of ransomware, and physical device protection. Plus, it can prevent user error," said Reeder. Top executives in education see data backup and data recovery as the most important aspects of data protection.

Cyberattacks rank as the biggest data protection concern facing SMBs
2020-03-30 21:57

World Backup Day is March 31, and while cyberattacks are a potential threat to their data, many SMBs say they don't have a data backup or disaster recovery process, according to data protection company Infrascale. Among them, 49% said that cyberattacks are their biggest concern when it comes to protecting data, while 58% pointed to security vulnerabilities as their biggest data storage challenge.

5 things SMB IT departments should do to survive the impact of COVID-19
2020-03-26 11:00

Bullguard recently surveyed more than 3,000 SMB owners on the topic of cybersecurity and found that many are not prepared for a security breach. In addition to doing a general security check, SMB leaders should remind employees of security best practices for end users, review and update disaster recovery plans, and establish strong lines of communication among all remote teams.