Security News
2014 was the year when "designer vulnerabilities" emerged, when breaches and security incidents were being announced so fast that we struggled to keep up, when old financial malware began being used t...
A group of researchers from the Information Security Group from Royal Holloway, University of London, wanted to see how many TLS servers still supported the weak, export-grade (512-bit) RSA public key...
If an ATM you'd like to use is enclosed in a vestibule that requires a card swipe at the door, it might be a good idea to go find another ATM, or at least use something other than a payment card...
CSX brings together some of the leading experts in the industry for an exciting event designed to give the knowledge, skills and tools you need to help protect and defend your organization. Learn h...
D-Link patches critical flaws in wireless range extender, Wi-Fi cameras firmware (Help Net Security)
D-Link has released new firmware for its DAP-1320 wireless range extender and the DCS-93xL family of Wi-Fi cameras in order to patch two critical vulnerabilities that can lead to device hijacking. ...