Security News

Linux vendors rush to patch privilege escalation flaw after root exploits emerge
2012-01-25 07:54 By Lucian Constantin IDG News Service January 24, 2012

Android users hit by lethal Trojan root hack
2011-08-24 07:55 By John E Dunn Techworld 23 August 11

Hackers gain root access to WordPress servers
2011-04-15 05:13 By Jeremy Kirk IDG News Service April 14, 2011 Hackers have compromised several servers that support...

Root privileges through Linux kernel bug - Update
2010-08-20 07:06 The H Open Source 18 August 2010 According to a report (PDF) written by Rafal Wojtczuk, a...

selling root accounts on IRC
2004-03-01 11:02

Forwarded from: Russell Coker For some time I and several other people have been running SE Linux play machines: One purpose of such machines is to...