Security News

China hijacking internet traffic using BGP, claim researchers
2018-10-30 11:28

Researchers claim that unusual BGP routing changes are actually man-in-the-middle surveillance.

Researchers exploit Microsoft Word through embedded video
2018-10-29 12:49

A group of researchers has found a way to infect computers via Word documents without triggering a security warning.

Researchers Find Command Injection Flaw in Cisco WebEx
2018-10-25 14:23

Cisco’s WebEx software is affected by a serious vulnerability that can be exploited to execute arbitrary commands with elevated privileges. read more

Researchers expose security vulnerabilities in terahertz data links
2018-10-17 05:15

A new study shows that terahertz data links, which may play a role in ultra-high-speed wireless data networks of the future, aren’t as immune to eavesdropping as many researchers have assumed. The...

Researchers link Industroyer to NotPetya
2018-10-11 14:21

ESET researchers believe they have found evidence that the TeleBots APT was behind the December 2016 attacks against the Ukraine energy sector that resulted in blackouts throughout the country: a...

Researchers KRACK Wi-Fi Again, More Efficiently This Time
2018-10-09 14:51

Researchers who last year discovered read more

When Security Researchers Pose as Cybercrooks, Who Can Tell the Difference?
2018-10-02 23:42

A ridiculous number of companies are exposing some or all of their proprietary and customer data by putting it in the cloud without any kind of authentication needed to read, alter or destroy it....

Researchers Link New NOKKI Malware to North Korean Actor
2018-10-02 20:02

A recently observed variant of the KONNI malware appears tied to a remote access Trojan (RAT) previously attributed to a North Korean actor, Palo Alto Networks security researchers say. read more

Researchers: 11-Year-Old Flaw in Vote Scanner Still Unfixed
2018-09-28 11:57

An uncorrected security flaw in a vote-counting machine used in 23 U.S states leaves it vulnerable to hacking 11 years after the manufacturer was alerted to it, security researchers say. read more

Connected car security is improving, researchers say
2018-09-28 06:12

The automotive industry has apparently stepped up their game when it comes to improving connected car security. According to the latest IOActive report, which was compiled from the results of the...