Security News

Pwn2Own 2020: Researchers Again Invited to Hack Tesla
2020-01-10 13:06

Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative on Thursday announced the targets and prizes for the 2020 Pwn2Own competition, which is set to take place on March 18-20 in Vancouver at the CanSecWest conference. Pwn2Own 2019 introduced the automotive category and participants were invited to hack a Tesla Model 3.

China-Made TikTok App Riddled With Security Holes: Researchers
2020-01-08 15:16

TikTok is a China-made global phenomenon mobile phone app. Now it seems that the Chinese government is not the only potential destination for their content that should worry TikTok users - Check Point found multiple vulnerabilities in the app that could easily be exploited.

Researchers Demonstrate How to Hack Any TikTok Account by Sending SMS
2020-01-08 02:02

TikTok, the 3rd most downloaded app in 2019, is under intense scrutiny over users' privacy, censoring politically controversial content and on national-security grounds-but it's not over yet, as the security of billions of TikTok users would be now under question. The famous Chinese viral video-sharing app contained potentially dangerous vulnerabilities that could have allowed remote attackers to hijack any user account just by knowing the mobile number of targeted victims.

Researcher Spots New Tricks in Web Payment Card Skimmers
2020-01-03 14:03

A researcher has found two new methods that payment card number thieves are using to try to stay under the radar. The attackers are sometimes referred to as Magecart, a name for a slew of groups that steal payment card numbers.

Researchers: Chinese APT Espionage Campaign Bypasses 2FA
2019-12-26 16:18

Fox-IT Suspects APT20 Group Was InvolvedAn advanced persistent threat espionage campaign with suspected ties to the Chinese government quietly targeted businesses and governments in 10 countries...

Apple Opens Its Invite-Only Bug Bounty Program to All Researchers
2019-12-20 05:18

As promised by Apple in August this year, the company today finally opened its bug bounty program to all security researchers, offering monetary rewards to anyone for reporting vulnerabilities in...

Identifying DNS-Over-HTTPS Traffic Without Decryption Possible: Researcher
2019-12-18 18:31

DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) traffic can apparently be identified without actually decrypting it, a security researcher has discovered. The DoH protocol is aimed at improving the overall security of the...

Researchers discover weakness in IoT digital certificates
2019-12-17 12:10

IoT devices are using weak digital certificates that could expose them to attack, according to a study released over the weekend.

University of Arizona Researchers Going on Offense and Defense in Battle Against Hackers
2019-12-04 18:01

University of Arizona-led teams will be more proactive in the battle against cyberthreats thanks to nearly $1.5 million in grants from the National Science Foundation.

Researcher Unveils CrackQ, a New Password Cracking Manager
2019-12-04 16:20

CrackQ Password Cracking Manager is an Interface for Hashcat Served by a REST API and a JavaScript Web App read more