Security News
WhatsApp on Wednesday fired a legal salvo against the Indian government to block new regulations that would require messaging apps to trace the "First originator" of messages shared on the platform, thus effectively breaking encryption protections. "Requiring messaging apps to 'trace' chats is the equivalent of asking us to keep a fingerprint of every single message sent on WhatsApp, which would break end-to-end encryption and fundamentally undermines people's right to privacy," a WhatsApp spokesperson told The Hacker News via email.
The federal government will issue cybersecurity regulations in the coming days for U.S. pipeline operators following a ransomware attack that led to fuel shortages across much of the Eastern Seaboard. The Transportation Security Administration, which oversees the nation's network of pipelines, is expected to issue a security directive this week that will address some of the issues raised by the Colonial Pipeline shutdown, a U.S. official said Tuesday.
Digital transformation is driving multi-cloud migrations, as 85 percent of organizations use at least two cloud providers for data storage and analytics, while 40 percent use five or more. Comprised of 100 executives from Fortune 500 companies, the survey found businesses are experiencing a conflict between a data scientist's need for quick data access and IT's need to ensure data security and privacy, as 58 percent felt that access restrictions were impacting the productivity of their analytic teams.
Seclore announced fast and seamless provisioning of data-centric security in the cloud. The modern workplace is driving the growth of collaboration and data sharing of sensitive information on the cloud.
European CISOs are shifting how they spend on security in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and are having to adopt to a raft of new proposed EU cyber regulations. Forrester has recently explored three security topics: that of European cyber regulations, European CISO budgetary trends in 2021, and finally the career paths of CISOs at major UK FTSE 100 organizations.
Security teams need to manage these vulnerabilities to protect the data from a cyber-attack and ensure compliance with the latest data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation or the California Privacy Rights Act. The key to any data privacy compliance is proper data protection because under these laws, consumers retain the right to deny and revoke the collection of their data.
Since 1997, the Supreme Court has used the metaphor of the free market of ideas to define the internet, thus addressing the regulation of the net as a matter of freedom of speech. Internet regulation should be framed not as a matter of freedom of speech, but as a matter of freedom to conduct a business, they argue.
ACA Compliance Group announced the launch of its enhanced anti-money laundering solution. "Carlo Di Florio, Global Chief Services Officer, ACA Compliance Group, said:"With AML in the news and a continued priority for regulators and enforcement authorities around the globe, firms need to ensure their AML program is effective.
The usage of banking services through a mobile app has quickly been embraced by consumers. Currently, researches indicate that mobile banking apps are often not as secure as expected.
Despite the pandemic, companies are obligated to comply with many laws governing data security and privacy, including the two most familiar to consumers - the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation and the California Consumer Privacy Act. Like GDPR before it, CCPA makes data security and regulatory compliance more of a challenge and requires businesses to create a number of new processes to fully understand what data they have stored in their networks, who has access to it, and how to protect it.