Security News today disclosed that a data breach exposed some internal data, as well as email addresses and passwords for some Reddit users. As Web site breaches go, this one doesn't seem too severe....

Email addresses, hashed passwords, and other details from mid-2000s era swiped In a Wednesday mea culpa, Reddit – the online chat board that got a little out of hand and became the sixth most...

A hacker has compromised Reddit's systems and was able to make away with email addresses and account credentials.

You say tomato. I say tomahto. "Norman" would likely see a traffic fatality splattered on the asphalt.

Emily Wilson of Terbium Labs explains why Reddit, the so-called 'front page of the internet,' is also a portal to the Dark Web.

"[Reddit] is awful and it’s gonna get worse."

How Russian trolls embraced rule 34 (but Redditors didn't buy it)

Posts hit hyper-partisan r/the_donald, CEO says most crimped before 2016 election While Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before the US Congress, Reddit confessed to its own Russian problem.…

A convincing clone of the popular social news aggregation and discussion site Reddit has been spotted on the domain. The author is obviously counting on users not to spot it for what it...

The 234 million or so unique Reddit users are finally getting the option of setting up 2-factor authentication for their account(s). Why is that important? With over 540 million monthly visitors,...