Security News

Google Cloud KMS Adds Quantum-Safe Digital Signatures to Defend Against Future Threats
2025-02-24 11:17

Google Cloud has announced quantum-safe digital signatures in Google Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS) for software-based keys as a way to bulletproof encryption systems against the threat...

Google Cloud introduces quantum-safe digital signatures in KMS
2025-02-23 15:09

Google Cloud has introduced quantum-safe digital signatures to its Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS), making them available in preview. [...]

Google Announces Quantum-Safe Digital Signatures in Cloud KMS, Takes “Post-Quantum Computing Risks Seriously”
2025-02-21 21:21

This news about Google Cloud Key Management Service is part of the tech giant’s post-quantum computing strategy.

Australia moves to drop some cryptography by 2030 – before quantum carves it up
2024-12-17 03:58

The likes of SHA-256, RSA, ECDSA and ECDH won't be welcome in just five years Australia's chief cyber security agency has decided local orgs should stop using the tech that forms the current...

AI Kuru, cybersecurity and quantum computing
2024-11-25 06:00

As we continue to delegate more infrastructure operations to artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computers are advancing towards Q-day (i.e., the day when quantum computers can break current...

How to fend off a quantum computer attack
2024-10-25 04:00

In this Help Net Security video, IEEE member Marc Lijour explains quantum computing and offers insight into how to fend off a quantum computer attack. The post How to fend off a quantum computer...

No, The Chinese Have Not Broken Modern Encryption Systems with a Quantum Computer
2024-10-22 11:03

The headline is pretty scary: “China’s Quantum Computer Scientists Crack Military-Grade Encryption.” No, it’s not true. This debunking saved me the trouble of writing one. It all seems to have...

Crypto-apocalypse soon? Chinese researchers find a potential quantum attack on classical encryption
2024-10-14 06:30

With an off-the-shelf D-Wave machine Chinese researchers claim they have found a way to use D-Wave's quantum annealing systems to develop a promising attack on classical encryption.…

The quantum dilemma: Game-changer or game-ender
2024-10-14 05:00

If someone told you five years ago that you could pose questions to an AI agent about the most vexing issues in science and it could answer back swiftly and meaningfully, you would’ve thought they...

Unlocking the power of cryptographic agility in a quantum world
2024-10-11 04:30

In this Help Net Security interview, Glen Leonhard, Director of Key Management at Cryptomathic, discusses the role of cryptographic agility in mitigating risks posed by quantum computing....