Security News
The National Academies has just published "Decrypting the Encryption Debate: A Framework for Decision Makers." It looks really good, although I have not read it yet. Not much news or analysis yet....
A critical vulnerability has been discovered in the browser app comes pre-installed on hundreds of millions of Samsung Android devices that could allow an attacker to steal data from browser tabs...
Transparency is an interesting concept, especially for cyber security organizations. I say that as I recently experienced a complete lack of transparency – and what followed was confusion turned...
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The principle of Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) has existed for many years. It’s the evolution from simple access control lists and role-based access control, to a highly flexible system...
Hurricanes hammered the United States last month and cyber attacks continue to rain down throughout the world. The EternalBlue v1SMB vulnerability continues to be a focus of attacks. Recent...
In 2012 it was reported that “16% of Internet users claim to always read privacy policies of the sites and online services with which they share their private information”. I would probably...
If you reside in China, your Internet life within the borders will soon be even more challenging. Last Friday, China's top Internet regulator announced a new set of rules that would force citizens...
What will it take for cybersecurity policy to finally catch up to the digital age? I get this question often, and increasingly I worry that it will take a true “black swan” event to shock the...
Whether they like it or not, in this day and age nearly all organizations have to think about their cybersecurity posture and find a way to minimize cybersecurity risk. But the main problem about...