Security News

Cisco has issued another batch of fixes, plugging a number of critical and high severity holes in its Policy Suite, SD-WAN, and Nexus products. Cisco Policy Suite Users of the Cisco Policy Suite...

Cisco also pushed out seven high-severity fixes for its SD-WAN solution for business users, and a patch for a DoS flaw in the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Fabric Switches.

Cisco informed customers on Wednesday that it has found and patched over a dozen critical and high severity vulnerabilities in its Policy Suite, SD-WAN, WebEx and Nexus products. read more

Mozilla announced on Monday that its Root Store Policy for Certificate Authorities (CAs) has been updated to version 2.6. The Root Store Policy governs CAs trusted by Firefox, Thunderbird and...

Blockchain expert Alex Feinberg explained how internet companies could use emerging technology to balance profit and privacy concerns.

A Microsoft Store Group Policy can be changed to prevent unauthorized installations and block existing native apps from being launched using AppLocker.

Joe Schreiber, technical director at Tufin, explains how their change automation solution simplifies security policy management and discusses how they are expanding support for Cisco ASA and FirePOWER.

Facebook is again in hot water after an article alleged it struck deals with device-makers to access users' data.

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