Security News

Re: Oracle Patch Fixes 23 'Critical' Vulnerabilities
2005-01-21 08:07

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon : In the past, Oracle has been criticized for its lackadaisical approach : to addressing critical security flaws. At the Black Hat security : conference in Las...

Microsoft releases patch to plug IE vulnerability
2004-12-02 06:49,10801,97957,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan DECEMBER 01, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD As expected, Microsoft Corp. today released an out-of-cycle...

Slow down the security patch cycle
2004-04-13 09:37,,92037,00.html Opinion by Bill Addington APRIL 08, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD There are many myths surrounding computer network security that...

Update: Microsoft rethinks latest security patch
2004-03-11 07:40,10801,90992,00.html By Paul Roberts MARCH 10, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE One day after releasing a trio of security patches, Microsoft Corp....

Security experts form patch support group
2003-12-09 10:37,10801,87950,00.html Story by Network World staff DECEMBER 08, 2003 NETWORK WORLD Patching is such a headache these days that a number...