Security News

NSA Technology Expo
2000-08-18 02:18 [Moderators note: I used to get these notices from the group that sponsors these events, and thought that many of you on the list might benefit from exhibiting at...

Feds Bust Kazakstan Hackers (fwd)
2000-08-16 09:02

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 14:07:25 -0400 To: cypherpunks () cyberpass net From: John Young Subject: Feds Bust Kazakstan Hackers Sender: owner-cypherpunks ()...

Re: [2600-AU] More government crackdowns on cybercrime
2000-08-15 09:58

(I've cc:d this message to the NSW Parliamentary Council Office lest they be interested in some public comment prior to this legislation actually being drafted by them for the Attorney General and...

Heheh: NTK now, 2000-08-11 (fwd)
2000-08-14 07:55

More from this weeks NTK: >> EVENT QUEUE << goto's considered non-harmful Al Gore, inventor of the Internet, has sadly stepped in to fix his site after...

New Jersey State Report on Computer Crime
2000-08-13 08:38 The State Commission of Investigation and the Attorney General of New Jersey have released a joint report on Computer Crime. The files are all in PDF format. Enjoy!...

Java Security Hole Makes Netscape Into Web Server
2000-08-06 10:09 Dan Brumleve is at it again with Brown Orifice. In this episode, our fearless grey hat opens a security hole in the web's foundation that makes Napster look...

Security scandals stifle UK ebusiness
2000-08-04 08:46 James Middleton Thursday 03 August 2000 Lack of consumer confidence is stifling ebusiness uptake in the UK, according to the National Consumer Council...

Firms Merge to Form Security Powerhouse
2000-07-27 20:55,2171,3_424221,00.html July 27, 2000 Clint Boulton, Assistant Editor InternetNews - Business News Archives In a move bound to leave...

Microsoft Security Exec Sees Improvements
2000-07-26 08:10,1510,17825,00.html The company has taken several steps, including faster distribution of software patches, he says. by Gary H. Anthes, Computerworld July...

Heading off Cyber-geddon
2000-07-26 04:28 July 25, 2000 By: Paul Beebe TRIBUNE-REVIEW A hacker breaks into the computers at the Worcester, Mass., airport control tower. Someone shuts down Miami's...