Security News

Microsoft Office 365 Credentials Under Attack By Fax ‘Alert’ Emails
2020-12-14 18:36

The attackers behind the attack leveraged hundreds of compromised, legitimate email accounts in order to target organizations with emails, which pretended to be document delivery notifications. In reality, the phishing attack stole victims' Office 365 credentials.

Spearphishing Attack Spoofs to Target 200M Office 365 Users
2020-12-08 13:54

A spearphishing attack is spoofing to target 200 million Microsoft Office 365 users in a number of key vertical markets, including financial services, healthcare, manufacturing and utility providers. The attack is particularly deceiving because it deploys an exact domain spoofing technique, "Which occurs when an email is sent from a fraudulent domain that is an exact match to the spoofed brand's domain," Ovadia wrote.

Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365: Purpose-built backup and recovery for Teams
2020-12-04 02:30

With 85% product growth year-over-year in Q3'20, Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 has exceeded 133,000 downloads across tens of thousands of organizations, which are relying on Veeam to protect their Office 365 data, including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, and now backup and recovery specifically built for Microsoft Teams. The Teams configurations, which include settings, members and team structure, are vital components to ensure Teams data is fully protected and easily recoverable. Veeam is meeting this critical business need with our new version of Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365.".

Office 365 phishing abuses Oracle and Amazon cloud services
2020-11-27 13:43

A rather complex phishing scheme for stealing Office 365 credentials from small and medium-sized businesses in the U.S. and Australia combines cloud services from Oracle and Amazon into its infrastructure. According to their research, the threat actor sends phishing messages from compromised email accounts and uses Amazon Web Services and Oracle Cloud in the redirect chain.

Microsoft rolls out protection for critical accounts in Office 365
2020-11-19 11:39

Microsoft has launched Office 365 priority protection for accounts of high-profile employees such as executive-level managers who are most often targeted by threat actors. The new feature was added to Microsoft Defender for Office 365 which provides enterprise accounts with email threat protection from advanced threats including business email compromise and credential phishing, as well as automated remediation of detected attacks.

Spin Technology adds new security features to its SpinOne for Google Workspace and Office 365
2020-11-19 01:00

Spin Technology announced the next generation of SpinOne, an AI-powered ransomware and backup solution for Google Workspace and Office 365. Including advanced new security features, a completely redesigned user interface, and improved platform functionality, the latest version of SpinOne will help organizations better protect against ransomware attacks in the cloud.

Office 365 phishing campaign detects sandboxes to evade detection
2020-11-17 11:15

Microsoft is tracking an ongoing Office 365 phishing campaign that makes use of several methods to evade automated analysis in attacks against enterprise targets. The phishing emails used in this campaign are also heavily obfuscated to make sure that secure email gateways will not be able to detect the malicious messages and automatically block them before they land in the targets' inboxes.

Finding 365 bugs in Microsoft Office 365
2020-11-11 05:30

During an upcoming presentation at HITB CyberWeek 2020, Ashar Javed, a security engineer at Hyundai AutoEver Europe, will share stories from his journey towards discovering 365 valid bugs in Microsoft Office 365. I found literally hundreds of bugs in Office 365 but my favourite are All your Power Apps Portals belong to us and Cross-tenant privacy leak in Office 365.

Office 365 will let admins review Microsoft Forms phishing attempts
2020-11-07 12:45

Microsoft is working on adding a new Microsoft Forms phishing attempt review feature that will allow Office 365 admins to confirm and block forms that try to maliciously harvest sensitive data. Phishing attempts are detected by Microsoft Forms with the help of proactive phishing detection, a protection feature that will proactively identify malicious password collection in forms and surveys.

Sneaky Office 365 phishing inverts images to evade detection
2020-11-04 09:00

A creative Office 365 phishing campaign has been inverting images used as backgrounds for landing pages to avoid getting flagged as malicious by crawlers designed to spot phishing sites. This tactic has been used by several Office 365 credential phishing sites according to WMC Global analysts who spotted while being deployed as part of the same phishing kit created and sold by a single threat actor to multiple users.