Security News

Microsoft scratches BEAST patch at last minute,	but fixes Duqu bug
2011-12-14 09:36 By Gregg Keizer Computerworld December 13, 2011

Update: Microsoft plans 20 patches next week, will fix Duqu and BEAST bugs
2011-12-09 09:15 By Gregg Keizer Computerworld December 8, 2011

Microsoft turns to FBI in hunt for Rustock ringleader
2011-09-23 09:50 By Dan Goodin in San Francisco The Register 22nd September 2011

Nations with low malware rates have better ISPs, Microsoft research finds
2011-08-29 09:26 By John E Dunn Techworld 26 August 11

Microsoft patches final Pwn2Own IE bug
2011-08-11 09:39 By Gregg Keizer Computerworld August 10, 2011

Microsoft: We're not vulnerable to DDoS attacks
2011-07-07 07:21 By Ms. Smith Privacy and Security Fanatic Network World 07/06/11

Microsoft downplays Server bug threat, say researchers
2011-05-11 08:09 By Gregg Keizer Computerworld May 10, 2011 Microsoft is downplaying the threat posed by one of...

Whitehats pierce giant hole in Microsoft security shield
2011-04-18 08:08 By Dan Goodin in San Francisco The Register 18th April 2011 In late December, Microsoft researchers responding to...

Microsoft, Feds Pull Plug on Spam Network
2011-03-18 07:41 By NICK WINGFIELD The Wall Street Journal MARCH 17, 2011 Microsoft Corp. and federal law enforcement agents seized...

Microsoft warns of security flaw that 'affects 900 MILLION people using Internet Explorer'
2011-02-01 06:47 By Daily Mail Reporters 31st January 2011 Microsoft has issued a...