Security News

Notorious cyber gang UNC3944 attacks vSphere and Azure to run VMs inside victims' infrastructure
2024-06-17 06:34

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SolarMarker Malware Evolves to Resist Takedown Attempts with Multi-Tiered Infrastructure
2024-05-21 13:07

The persistent threat actors behind the SolarMarker information-stealing malware have established a multi-tiered infrastructure to complicate law enforcement takedown efforts, new findings from...

Critical infrastructure security will stay poor until everyone pulls together
2024-05-11 17:15

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America's enemies targeting US critical infrastructure should be 'wake-up call'
2024-05-09 17:45

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U.S. Government Releases New AI Security Guidelines for Critical Infrastructure
2024-04-30 10:36

The U.S. government has unveiled new security guidelines aimed at bolstering critical infrastructure against artificial intelligence (AI)-related threats. "These guidelines are informed by the...

DHS establishes AI Safety and Security Board to protect critical infrastructure
2024-04-29 09:22

The Board will advise the Secretary, the critical infrastructure community, other private sector stakeholders, and the broader public on the safe and secure development and deployment of AI technology in nation's critical infrastructure. Create a forum for DHS, the critical infrastructure community, and AI leaders to share information on the security risks presented by AI. The Board will help DHS stay ahead of evolving threats posed by hostile nation-state actors and reinforce our national security by helping to deter and prevent those threats.

CISA says Sisense hack impacts critical infrastructure orgs
2024-04-11 14:55

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is investigating the recent breach of data analytics company Sisense, an incident that also impacted critical infrastructure organizations. Today, CISA says the incident also affects critical infrastructure sector organizations in the United States, with the agency now working with partners in the private sector to assess its impact.

CISA investigates critical infrastructure breach after Sisense hack
2024-04-11 14:55

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is investigating the recent breach of data analytics company Sisense, an incident that also impacted critical infrastructure organizations. Today, CISA says the incident also affects critical infrastructure sector organizations in the United States, with the agency now working with partners in the private sector to assess its impact.

EJBCA: Open-source public key infrastructure (PKI), certificate authority (CA)
2024-04-09 04:30

It can handle almost anything, and someone once called it the kitchen sink of PKI. With its extensive history as one of the longest-standing CA software projects, EJBCA offers proven robustness, reliability, and adaptability. "EJBCA was created as an open-source project. The first version of the software was released as open source in December 2001. The ability to make a living from working with it and form a good company with many developers working on open source came later when the co-founders of PrimeKey and I realized that it was something we could do," Tomas Gustavsson, the creator of EJBCA, told Help Net Security.

Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure show advanced tactics and new capabilities
2024-04-03 04:00

In this Help Net Security interview, Marty Edwards, Deputy CTO OT/IoT at Tenable, discusses the impact of geopolitical tensions on cyber attacks targeting critical infrastructure. Edwards highlights the need for collaborative efforts between policymakers, government agencies, and the private sector to strengthen cybersecurity across critical infrastructure sectors.