Security News

CISA warns critical infrastructure to stay vigilant for ongoing threats
2021-12-15 18:47

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned critical infrastructure organizations today to strengthen their cybersecurity defenses against potential and ongoing threats. "In the lead up to the holidays and in light of persistent and ongoing cyber threats, CISA urges critical infrastructure owners and operators to take immediate steps to strengthen their computer network defenses against potential malicious cyber attacks," the cybersecurity agency said [PDF].

Protecting your critical infrastructure is one thing…protecting your backups is the same thing
2021-12-03 19:43

If there's one thing we have a lot of, it's data. Veeam Software solution architect John Wood points out, "The data that you have today is obviously the most valuable data that you have."

FBI: Cuba ransomware breached 49 US critical infrastructure orgs
2021-12-03 17:16

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has revealed that the Cuba ransomware gang has compromised the networks of at least 49 organizations from US critical infrastructure sectors. "The FBI has identified, as of early November 2021 that Cuba ransomware actors have compromised at least 49 entities in five critical infrastructure sectors, including but not limited to the financial, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and information technology sectors," the federal law enforcement agency said.

Your supply chain: How and why network security and infrastructure matter
2021-11-26 06:00

Threats to the supply chain can take many forms, including malware attacks, piracy, unauthorized access to enterprise resources and data, and unintentional or maliciously injected backdoors in software source code. This means putting security at the center of the supply chain and making it a foundational element.

Defending critical infrastructure: The status quo isn’t working
2021-11-19 07:30

It followed this up with a memorandum on improving cybersecurity for critical infrastructure control systems. Cities don't often have the expertise or resources to secure systems well or monitor for these kinds of attacks, and the attackers only have to succeed once.

Web trust dies in darkness: Hidden Certificate Authorities undermine public crypto infrastructure
2021-11-19 04:00

Security researchers have checked the web's public key infrastructure and have measured a long-known but little-analyzed security threat: hidden root Certificate Authorities. You can be reasonably confident that your bank website is actually your bank website when it presents your browser with an end-user or leaf certificate that's linked through a chain of trust to an intermediate certificate and ultimately the X.509 root certificate of a trusted CA. Each browser relies on a trust store consisting of a hundred or so root certificates that belong to a smaller set of organizations.

The future of digital infrastructure: Top 10 predictions
2021-11-15 04:00

In the coming years, organizations will deploy, operate, and scale digital infrastructure to ensure consistent security, performance, and compliance across all resources, regardless of where and how they are deployed. These organizations will invest in more intelligent, autonomous operations and take advantage of flexible consumption and strategic vendor partnerships to promote agility and ensure that the business, and its digital infrastructure, can continue to perform in the face of a wide range of unexpected scenarios - social, geopolitical, economic, climate, or business related.

Unseen gatekeepers: Industrial software providers’ role securing global infrastructure
2021-11-08 06:30

While cybersecurity firms are often the first port of call for business leaders desperate for answers, the crucial role of software providers should not be overlooked. The first step to understanding the importance of industrial software providers is realizing their central role in the cybersecurity ecosystem.

Keeping an eye on critical infrastructure and industrial systems? So are legions of cyber-criminals
2021-11-03 06:30

Ransomware attacks on industrial environments have increased by 500 per cent in three years, and it's unlikely the criminals responsible are going to slow down anytime soon. If cyber-attackers are smart, is it possible to beat them with something even smarter? Something like AI? And is it possible to predict what the next wave of attacks will look like and prepare now?

NSA and CISA share guidance on securing 5G cloud infrastructure
2021-10-28 17:06

CISA and the NSA shared guidance on securing cloud-native 5G networks from attacks seeking to compromise information or deny access by taking down cloud infrastructure. The two federal agencies issued these recommendations for service providers and system integrators that build and configure 5G cloud infrastructure, including cloud service providers, core network equipment vendors, and mobile network operators.