Security News

Angler Exploit Kit, Bedep Malware Inflating Video Views (Threatpost)
2015-05-05 12:00

Cybercriminals are using the Angler exploit kit to infect users with the Bedep Trojan, which then uses their computer resources to perform click-fraud and artificially inflate video views.

Hacker exploits Android devices with self-implanted NFC chip (Help Net Security)
2015-04-29 08:00

A security researcher has demonstrated that it's possible to implant yourself with a NFC chip that will not be detected by body scanners at airports or other high-security locations, and which could b...

Potent, in-the-wild exploits imperil customers of 100, 000 e-commerce sites
2015-04-24 11:36 By Dan Goodin Ars Technica April 23, 2015

100,000 web shops open to compromise as attackers exploit Magento bug (Help Net Security)
2015-04-24 08:36

A critical vulnerability found in Magento, the most popular content management system for e-commerce sites, is being exploited by hackers to get their hands on users' personal and payment card informa...