Security News

RSA Europe 2012: Cyber crooks and state hackers work together on threats
2012-10-11 07:23 By Alastair Stevenson The Inquirer Oct 10 2012

Come and visit Hacktivity - The Largest Hacker Conference in Central and Eastern Europe (festival)
2011-08-29 09:28

Forwarded from: Attila Bartfai World of Ethical Hackers Revs Up -- Hacktivity 2011

Facebook Chief Security Officer to Keynote 2nd Annual HITB Security Conference in Europe
2011-03-04 11:06 Facebook Chief Security Officer to Keynote 2nd Annual HITB Security Conference in Europe Utrecht, The Netherlands 02 March 2011 After the...

Black Hat USA CFP opens, Europe early bird reminder,	Federal news
2006-02-03 09:28

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello InfoSec News readers, A bunch of announcements from Black Hat. It was easier to bundle them all together instead of...

Black Hat Federal and Europe Call for Papers
2005-12-29 07:42

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss Hey InfoSec News readers, Black Hat Federal 2006 Speakers Chosen Black Hat Federal 2006 speakers have now been chosen. Black Hat Federal focuses on threats and defenses...

Black Hat Federal and Europe CFP and Registration now open
2005-11-03 14:44

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss Hello Information Security News readers, Things have been busy at Black Hat, and I would like to make some brief announcements about our Call For Papers (CFP),...

Cybersecurity group looks to Europe for help
2005-06-28 07:24,10801,102825,00.html By Scarlet Pruitt IDG NEWS SERVICE JUNE 27, 2005 There isn't a colored alert system indicating the threat level...

Black Hat Europe and Asia 2005 early bird registrations are about to close!
2005-02-24 17:23

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss Hello InfoSec readers. I wanted to pass on a last announcement for our International conferences. Black Hat Europe and Asia 2005 early bird registrations are about to...

Black Hat new content on-line & Registration now open for Asia and Europe.
2005-01-27 07:25

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello ISN readers, I would like to make some brief announcements about past as well as upcoming Black Hat events. First, new...

Black Hat CFPs now open: Europe and Asia
2004-12-01 11:09

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello ISN, I've been a bit quiet lately, but with Thanksgiving over I wanted to announce our latest round of CFPs. BLACK HAT...