Security News

Re: FBI official calls for alternate Internet to secure critical systems
2011-10-26 08:03

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon *SNORE* U.S. government officials calling for a second Internet is getting really old, and likely goes back 10 years or more. Such a call is a non-starter...

US CERT warns of critical industrial control bug
2011-05-12 07:14 By Dan Goodin in San Francisco The Register 12th May 2011 The US Computer Emergency Readiness Team is warning oil refineries,...

Shin Bet: Critical infrastructure targeted by cyber-warfare
2011-05-06 07:06 By YAAKOV KATZ The Jerusalem Post 05/05/2011 Israel has detected what appears to have been attempts to use cyber-warfare to attack critical...

Stuxnet-Like Trojans Can Exploit Critical Flaw in Chinese Industrial Software
2011-01-13 08:40 By Fahmida Y. Rashid 2011-01-12 A critical security flaw in...

PHP hit by another critical flaw
2005-08-24 09:44,10801,104124,00.html By Matthew Broersma AUGUST 23, 2005 TECHWORLD.COM A fresh security flaw has surfaced in the PHP Web service...

Microsoft to release six patches, some 'critical,' next week
2005-08-05 05:05,10801,103683,00.html By Elizabeth Montalbano AUGUST 04, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE Microsoft Corp. will release six software patches next...

Red Hat patches critical hole
2005-04-05 05:05,10801,100860,00.html by Matthew Broersma APRIL 04, 2005 TECHWORLD.COM Red Hat Inc. is warning enterprise Linux users to update...

Re: Oracle Patch Fixes 23 'Critical' Vulnerabilities
2005-01-21 08:07

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon : In the past, Oracle has been criticized for its lackadaisical approach : to addressing critical security flaws. At the Black Hat security : conference in Las...

Critical W2K bug unpatched after 105 days
2004-11-17 08:45 By Sam Varghese November 16, 2004 A critical flaw in Windows 2000, discovered by eEye...

Critical flaws found in VoIP products using H.323 protocol
2004-01-14 11:55,10801,89041,00.html Story by Jaikumar Vijayan JANUARY 13, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Several critical vulnerabilities have been discovered in...