Security News
Every machine needs a unique identity in order to authenticate itself and communicate securely with other machines. Secure, reliable authentication is essential to protect machine-to-machine communication, yet protecting every machine identity across an enterprise can be a challenge.
Lots of PHI, low security, and multiple entry points make hospitals the perfect target for hackers and ransomware attacks are up 45% in Q3.
850,000 domains worldwide now have DMARC records, a 5x increase since 2016, according to Valimail. However, less than 17% of global DMARC records are at enforcement — meaning fake emails that...
State Attorneys General Want Changes in Regulation to Ease Sharing of DataThe National Association of Attorneys General is urging Congress to drop the "cumbersome, out-of-date privacy rules"...
Security leaders for a decade now have been discussing the profession's growing skills gap. But what is its true business impact, and what are some near- and long-term strategies to mitigate it?...
Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and podcasts: Bringing more talented individuals into the security industry In this interview, Tony Vizza, Director of...
Riviera Beach is one of the several cities and towns in Florida which have recently been hit with ransomware and its local government, like that of Lake City before it, decided to pay the ransom...
At Salesforce TrailheaDX 2019, Parker Harris shared his advice for tech leaders on everything from multiplatform integration to managing a crisis.
At Salesforce TrailheaDX 2019, Parker Harris shared his advice for tech leaders on everything from multiplatform integration to managing a crisis.
Watch this special edition of Naked Security Live - we answer the questions people have been asking us, like "Should I stay or should I go?"