Security News

How to protect your organization following the SolarWinds compromise
2020-12-17 14:56

Whether your organization uses the vulnerable SolarWinds software or you want to defend yourself against similar exploits, here are recommendations from four sources. Customers running Orion Platform version 2019.4 HF 5 are urged to update to 2019.4 HF 6.Further, the hotfix release 2020.2.1 HF 2 is available in the SolarWinds Customer Portal.

U.S. Treasury, Commerce Depts. Hacked Through SolarWinds Compromise
2020-12-14 16:26

Communications at the U.S. Treasury and Commerce Departments were reportedly compromised by a supply chain attack on SolarWinds, a security vendor that helps the federal government and a range of Fortune 500 companies monitor the health of their IT networks. In a security advisory, Austin, Texas based SolarWinds acknowledged its systems "Experienced a highly sophisticated, manual supply chain attack on SolarWinds Orion Platform software builds for versions 2019.4 HF 5 through 2020.2.1, released between March 2020 and June 2020.".

Global Espionage Campaign Used Software Supply Chain Hack To Compromise Targets, Including US Gov
2020-12-14 12:02

Incident response teams are scrambling as after details emerged late Sunday of a sophisticated espionage campaign leveraging a software supply chain attack that allowed hackers to compromise numerous public and private organizations around the world. Among victims are multiple US government agencies, including the Treasury and Commerce departments, and cybersecurity giant FireEye, which stunned the industry last week when it revealed that attackers gained access to its Red Team tools.

FireEye Cyberattack Compromises Red-Team Security Tools
2020-12-08 22:08

The attacker targeted and was able to access certain Red Team assessment tools that the company uses to test its customers' security. "The attackers tailored their world-class capabilities specifically to target and attack FireEye. They are highly trained in operational security and executed with discipline and focus. They operated clandestinely, using methods that counter security tools and forensic examination."

Swiss spies knew about Crypto AG compromise – and kept it from govt overseers for nearly 30 years
2020-11-12 13:17

Swiss politicians only found out last year that cipher machine company Crypto AG was owned by the US and Germany during the Cold War, a striking report from its parliament has revealed. Although Swiss spies themselves knew that Crypto AG's products were being intentionally weakened so the West could read messages passing over them, they didn't tell governmental overseers until last year - barely one year after the operation ended.

Lumu Agent for Windows: Measuring remote worker compromise levels in real time
2020-11-12 03:00

Lumu announced the launch of the Lumu Agent for Windows, a lightweight software built for remote workers in mind, that measures user device's compromise levels in real time. Once installed on an end user's machine, the Lumu Agent silently and persistently runs in the background, collecting network metadata which is then correlated and analyzed by Lumu to provide the most complete compromise visibility available today.

Git LFS vulnerability allows attackers to compromise targets’ Windows systems (CVE-2020-27955)
2020-11-05 11:14

A critical vulnerability in Git Large File Storage, an open source Git extension for versioning large files, allows attackers to achieve remote code execution if the Windows-using victim is tricked into cloning the attacker's malicious repository using a vulnerable Git version control tool, security researcher Dawid Golunski has discovered. Golunski found that Git LFS does not specify a full path to git binary when executing a new git process via a specific exec.

Business Email Compromise attacks are on the rise
2020-10-29 16:49

The Business Email Compromise is a particular type of phishing attack in which cybercriminals impersonate a trusted contact or other party, either internal or external. During the third quarter of 2020, the median number of BEC attacks received per company each week rose by 15% from the second quarter, according to the report.

Anatomy of Ryuk Attack: 29 Hours From Initial Email to Full Compromise
2020-10-13 03:44

An attack involving the Ryuk ransomware required 29 hours from an email being sent to the target to full environment compromise and the encryption of systems, according to the DFIR Report, a project that provides threat intelligence from real attacks observed by its honeypots. Over the past two years, Ryuk has been responsible for a significant number of high-profile attacks, including incidents involving Pennsylvania-based UHS and Alabama hospital chain DCH Health System.

TikTok Fixes Flaws That Opened Android App to Compromise
2020-09-14 16:23

Researchers have disclosed four high-severity flaws in the Android version of TikTok that could have easily been exploited by a seemingly benign third-party Android app. Disclosure of the flaws come just as the owner of social-media platform have reportedly chosen Oracle as an American tech partner that could help keep the app running in the U.S.,on the heels of U.S. president Donald Trump threatening to ban the app over spying concerns.