Security News

With hype around blockchain fading, organizations are starting to seek out use cases for the technology, according to Gartner.

Certificate-related outages harm the reliability and availability of vital network systems and services while also being extremely difficult to diagnose and remediate. Unfortunately, the vast...

There is a perception gap between IT leaders and employees over the likelihood of insider breaches. It is a major challenge for businesses: insider data breaches are viewed as frequent and...

CFOs are shifting their priorities from cutting costs to rapidly investing in technology and data. Significant percentages of senior financial executives currently implement technologies such as...

One in five employees surveyed believes data belongs to them, not the company, according to an Opinion Matters / Egress report.

The cybersecurity landscape in 2019 will likely bolster bigger, more complex threats and developments. Given the intricacy of today’s cyber security challenges, organisations will need to adopt a...

Responsibility for information security is not falling to any one senior executive function, according to the 2018 Risk:Value report from NTT Security, which surveyed 1,800 senior decision makers...

By 2020, an exploited vulnerability will disrupt a major blockchain platform, causing significant damage, Gartner predicts. Here's how to protect your blockchain efforts.