Security News

New versions of Tails and Tor Browser fix numerous security issues (Help Net Security)
2015-03-02 06:45

Tails is a live operating system that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity. Several security holes that affect Ta...

Android browser flaw found to leak data
2014-10-03 10:43 By Antone Gonsalves CSO Oct 2, 2014

How script kiddies can hijack your browser to steal your	password
2012-12-03 08:20 By Dan Goodin Ars Technica Dec 2 2012

Anatomy of a hack: 6 separate bugs needed to bring down Google browser (Updated)
2012-05-23 11:35 By Dan Goodin Ars Technica May 22 2012

AOL's AIM Puts Browser Security in Danger
2002-04-24 05:50,,10_1014151,00.html By Bob Woods April 23, 2002 Attention AOL AIM users -- you've got a pushy program. The installation process of AIM on a PC...