Security News

Copyfish Browser Extension Hijacked to Spew Spam (Threatpost)
2017-08-01 12:00

Makers of Copyfish OCR software get taken on wild ride after code for its Chrome extension is stolen.

Mozilla ports privacy-focused browser Firefox Focus to Android (Help Net Security)
2017-06-21 16:28

Less than a year since the release of Firefox Focus for iOS, Mozilla has ported the privacy-focused browser to Android. What is Firefox Focus? Firefox Focus is a simplified browser app that makes...

Mozilla Brings Privacy-Focused Browser to Android (Security Week)
2017-06-21 15:49

After making it available for iOS devices in November 2016, Mozilla this week brought its privacy-focused mobile browser to Android. read more

Phishing attacks target mobile browsers with dash-padded URLs (ArsTechnica)
2017-06-15 13:49

Compromised domains target Android users with fake login pages for cloud services.

Chrome Browser Hack Opens Door to Credential Theft (Threatpost)
2017-05-16 14:00

Researchers at DefenseCode claim a vulnerability in Google’s Chrome browser allows hackers to steal credentials and launch SMB relay attacks.

Chrome Security Team Tackles ‘Friendly Fire’ To Keep Browser Safe (Threatpost)
2017-04-06 18:27

Justin Schuh, lead engineer of Chrome Security, said ensuring browser security for Chrome users is a balancing act juggling OEM pressures, questionable certificate authorities and quashing...