Security News

Thales e-Security's Jon Geater Separates Hype From UtilityQuantum computing, blockchain, crypto, internet of things: There's a lot of hype around these technology areas, says Jon Geater, CTO of...

Cryptomania is dominating conversations from Silicon Valley to Wall Street. But ‘cryptocurrency’ is only one implementation of the underlying technology innovation that has the ability to...

Approximately six in seven aerospace/defense companies (86 percent) expect to integrate blockchain into their corporate systems within three years, according to a new research report from...

McAfee released a report detailing the numerous cybersecurity risks associated with blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, and asserts the necessity of making cybersecurity a top priority as industry...

The distributed ledger technology holds promise for a number of industries, but CIOs must first determine if their use case makes sense.

Austin, Texas-based ALTR emerged from stealth mode on Wednesday with a blockchain-based data security platform and $15 million in funding. ALTR announced the immediate availability of its product,...

Increased passenger traffic and global capacity constraints will drive airport IT spending to $4.63 billion by 2023, according to Frost & Sullivan. Airports are developing their digital...

Security researchers have discovered a severe vulnerability in EOS blockchain platform that could allow remote hackers to take complete control over the node servers that maintain the technology....

Early experiments are demonstrating how blockchain, the distributed and immutable ledger behind virtual currencies, potentially could play an important role in identity management, says Avivah...

Blockchain, the cutting-edge technology behind virtual currencies like bitcoin, has the potential to play a disruptive role in the global finance sector, experts say, as banking behemoths seek to...