Security News

Researchers have been warning for years about critical issues with the Signaling System 7 (SS7) that could allow hackers to listen in private phone calls and read text messages on a potentially...

JP Morgan Chief Slams Bitcoin as Fit Only for Drug Dealers, Murderers, RegimesIn cryptocurrency we trust: The government of North Korea has been turning to bitcoin exchange heists and...

North Korea (DPRK) appears to be targeting bitcoin (both users and exchanges) as a means to counter the increasing effect of international sanctions. Earlier this month the UN Security Council...

Third party trackers on web shops can identify users behind Bitcoin transactions (Help Net Security)
More and more shopping Web sites accept cryptocurrencies as a method of payment, but users should be aware that these transactions can be used to deanonymize them – even if they are using...

A former the United States Secret Service agent who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Bitcoins during an investigation into then-largest underground marketplace Silk Road has now...

Here’s a new reason to fear ransomware more than ever before: a new variant of Cerber has been modified to steal Bitcoin wallets and passwords before encrypting victims’ files and demanding...

The WannaCry story has new life with the attacks having withdrawn the Bitcoin collected as ransom during the attacks, and with the detainment of killswitch researcher Marcus Hutchins in Nevada.

The cyber criminals behind the global WannaCry ransomware attack that caused chaos worldwide have finally cashed out their ransom payments. Nearly three months ago, the WannaCry ransomware shut...

95% of Tracked Ransoms Were Cashed Out via BTC-e, a Digital Currency Exchange The Accused Alexander Vinnik Operated read more

Digital currencies have emerged as a favourite tool for hackers and cyber criminals, as digital currency transactions are nearly anonymous, allowing cyber criminals to use it in underground...