Security News > 2021 > January

Feds Issue Recommendations for Maritime Cybersecurity
2021-01-06 20:29

The White House has released cybersecurity guidance for securing the Maritime Transportation System, which operates along 25,000 miles of coastal and inland waterways in the United States. The document points out that the MTS encompasses "361 ports, 124 shipyards, more than 3,500 maritime facilities, 20,000 bridges, 50,000 Federal aids to navigation, and 95,000 miles of shoreline that interconnect with critical highways, railways, airports and pipelines." In addition, there are more than 20 Federal government organizations that currently have a role in maritime security of all stripes, ranging from vessel and personnel safety to transportation standards and logistics.

Justice Department Says It's Been Affected by Russian Hack
2021-01-06 19:51

The Justice Department disclosed on Wednesday that it was among the federal agencies harmed by a massive breach of government networks that U.S. officials have linked to Russia. There are no indications that classified systems were affected, the agency said.

Integrating Fraud Data Into Your Workflow
2021-01-06 19:01

In other words, for any fraud solution to be practical, it must be easily integrated into security and fraud operations. Any fraud detection and prevention solution that purports to blend seamlessly into existing operations should, at a minimum, provide the three "R's":. Recommendation: No matter what type of data modeling, AI, machine learning, or analysis are happening behind the scenes, a good fraud detection and prevention solution needs to provide a clear and concise recommendation.

Linux: How to create a new user with admin privileges
2021-01-06 18:36

Adding a user with admin privileges on Linux is easier than you think. Jack Wallen shows you how.

Are security and connectivity on your 2021 to do list, yes? Here’s what to do first
2021-01-06 18:00

If you looked back at your list of 2020 New Year's resolutions, would any of them make still sense for 2021? Do you have the nagging feeling that there's much more that needs to be done around connectivity and security across your organisation?

Zyxel hardcoded admin password found – patch now!
2021-01-06 17:27

Zyxel products are Linux-based, and Linux usernames and passwords are typically split between two files for security reasons. The early passwords of several Unix pioneers were cracked for fun in 2019 based on ancient password files embedded in the BSD-3 source code.

Researchers Warn of New Ransomware Targeting Enterprise Networks
2021-01-06 17:26

Security researchers have spotted a brand new ransomware family taking aim at corporate networks, warning that professional cybercriminals have already hit multiple organizations with the file-encryption scheme. The new ransomware family, called Babuk, has claimed at least four corporate victims facing data recovery extortion attempts.

Mozilla Firefox disabling backspace key to prevent data loss
2021-01-06 17:25

Mozilla Firefox is disabling the browser's backspace key to prevent users from accidentally losing data typed into forms. In 2014, Google removed the ability to go back to a previous page by using the backspace key as it could cause the loss of data entered into forms on the current page.

Windows 10 WSL now can run Linux commands on startup
2021-01-06 17:07

Microsoft now allows users of the Windows Subsystem for Linux to run commands automatically on WSL distribution startup. WSL is a compatibility layer designed by Microsoft to makes it possible for Windows 10 to run Linux binaries in ELF format natively on Windows computers.

Dragos Hires Former PepsiCo Deputy CISO Steve Applegate
2021-01-06 16:48

Industrial cybersecurity firm Dragos has hired Steve Applegate, former VP and Deputy CISO at PepsiCo, as Chief Information Security Officer. "I'm very excited to announce that I've joined the Dragos team! I've been watching this exciting company for many years, as well as benefiting from their cybersecurity expertise and all their contributions to the industry," he wrote.