Security News > 2017 > August

US Cyber Command gets unified military command status (Help Net Security)
2017-08-23 19:19

Last week, US President Donald Trump announced that the United States Cyber Command, which is currently a division of the NSA, will be elevated to the status of a Unified Combatant Command focused...

Zerodium Offers $500K for Secure Messaging App Zero Days (Threatpost)
2017-08-23 18:32

Zerodium announced new $500,000 payouts for zero days in secure messaging apps such as Signal, WhatsApp and others.

ROPEMAKER Exploit Allows for Changing of Email Post-Delivery (Threatpost)
2017-08-23 17:53

An exploit dubbed ROPEMAKER relies on taking advantage of email design functionality, namely by remotely changing CSS in HTML-based emails after they've been sent.

Android Malware Found on Google Play Abuses Accessibility Service (Security Week)
2017-08-23 17:40

A dropper discovered by researchers on Google Play abuses accessibility services in a unique way to deliver Android malware. read more

Google pulls 500+ backdoored apps from Google Play (Help Net Security)
2017-08-23 17:16

Security researchers have identified over 500 apps on Google Play containing an advertising software development kit (SDK) called Igexin, which allowed covert download of spying plugins. The apps...

Business Email Compromise Campaign Harvesting Credentials in Numerous Industries (Threatpost)
2017-08-23 17:02

Flashpoint warns of a new business email compromise campaign targeting organizations in various industries with the aim of harvesting credentials.

Understanding the dark web and how it factors into cybersecurity (Help Net Security)
2017-08-23 16:44

In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2017, Eric Olson, VP of Intelligence Operations at LookingGlass Cyber Solutions, talks about the dark net and how it factors into cyber security. Here’s a...

The Role of America's New Unified Cyber Warfare Command (Security Week)
2017-08-23 16:05

U.S. President Donald Trump on Aug. 18 announced the elevation of the U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM/CyberCom) to a Unified Combatant Command. This brings American offensive and defensive cyber...

DMARC Adoption Low in Fortune 500, FTSE 100 Companies (Security Week)
2017-08-23 15:23

Many Fortune 500, FTSE 100 and ASX 100 companies have failed to properly implement the DMARC standard, exposing their customers and partners to phishing and other email-based attacks, according to...

What Does Your Machine Actually Learn? (Security Week)
2017-08-23 15:02

Machine Learning, or Artificial Intelligence as it is sadly erroneously being marketed as, is all the rage right now. We are being promised a brand new emerging world where digital minions jump at...