Security News > 2015 > November

Last week, CIA director John O. Brennan became the latest victim of what's become a popular way to embarrass and harass people on the Internet. A hacker allegedly broke into his AOL account and...

Customers of another UK telecom have had their information compromised by hackers, as Vodafone has explained that it was "subject to an attempt to access some customers’ account details between midnig...

Back in the early 1990s enterprises migrated away from proprietary protocols such as DECnet, SNA, and Novell IPX to common standards such as IP. The motivation was the open nature of IP and access to ...

News about the TalkTalk breach and the investigation of it are coming fast and thick. After the arrests of two teens (one in Northern Ireland, the other from Feltham) believed to be connected to t...

Consumers often don’t realize that the applications they depend upon daily live in the cloud and therefore many may be unaware of the threat of breach to their personal data, according to Radware. Ove...

By analyzing worldwide threat Intelligence data based on millions of monthly security tests from July through September 2015, a new report found 41 percent of mobile devices are at medium to high risk...

Here's an overview of some of last week's most interesting news and articles: European Parliament members want member states to protect Edward Snowden Too little has been done to safeguard citiz...