Security News

Adobe fixes Acrobat Reader zero-day with public PoC exploit
2024-09-11 17:42

A cybersecurity researcher is urging users to upgrade Adobe Acrobat Reader after a fix was released yesterday for a remote code execution zero-day with a public in-the-wild proof-of-concept exploit. [...]

Patch Tuesday for September 2024: Microsoft Catches Four Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
2024-09-10 20:53

A Mark of the Web security alert vulnerability and three others have been exploited in the wild and are now covered by Redmond’s monthly patch batch.

Microsoft fixes 4 exploited zero-days and a code defect that nixed earlier security fixes
2024-09-10 19:41

September 2024 Patch Tuesday is here and Microsoft has delivered 79 fixes, including those for a handful of zero-days (CVE-2024-38217, CVE-2024-38226, CVE-2024-38014, CVE-2024-43461) exploited by...

Microsoft fixes Windows Smart App Control zero-day exploited since 2018
2024-09-10 18:14

​Microsoft has fixed a Windows Smart App Control and SmartScreen flaw that has been exploited in attacks as a zero-day since at least 2018. [...]

Microsoft September 2024 Patch Tuesday fixes 4 zero-days, 79 flaws
2024-09-10 17:32

Today is Microsoft's September 2024 Patch Tuesday, which includes security updates for 79 flaws, including four actively exploited and one publicly disclosed zero-days. [...]

New Chrome Zero-Day
2024-09-10 11:04

According to Microsoft researchers, North Korean hackers have been using a Chrome zero-day exploit to steal cryptocurrency.

North Korean Hackers Deploy FudModule Rootkit via Chrome Zero-Day Exploit
2024-08-31 15:35

A recently patched security flaw in Google Chrome and other Chromium web browsers was exploited as a zero-day by North Korean actors in a campaign designed to deliver the FudModule rootkit. The...

North Korean hackers exploit Chrome zero-day to deploy rootkit
2024-08-30 17:04

North Korean hackers have exploited a recently patched Google Chrome zero-day (CVE-2024-7971) to deploy the FudModule rootkit after gaining SYSTEM privileges using a Windows Kernel exploit. [...]

Malware exploits 5-year-old zero-day to infect end-of-life IP cameras
2024-08-29 15:46

The Corona Mirai-based malware botnet is spreading through a 5-year-old remote code execution (RCE) zero-day in AVTECH IP cameras, which have been discontinued for years and will not receive a patch. [...]

Volt Typhoon Hackers Exploit Zero-Day Vulnerability in Versa Director Servers Used by MSPs, ISPs
2024-08-29 15:17

There are approximately 163 devices worldwide that are still exposed to attack via the CVE-2024-39717 vulnerability.