Security News

Millions Of Smartphones Using Broadcom Wi-Fi Chip Can Be Hacked Over-the-Air (The Hackers News)
2017-04-05 03:36

Millions of smartphones and smart gadgets, including Apple iOS and many Android handsets from various manufacturers, equipped with Broadcom Wifi chips are vulnerable to over-the-air hijacking...

Update Your Apple Devices to iOS 10.3.1 to Avoid Being Hacked Over Wi-Fi (The Hackers News)
2017-04-05 03:23

Note: We have published a follow-up article with more technical details about this vulnerability which resides in Broadcom WiFi SoC equipped not only in Apple devices, but also in Android devices...

Apple patches drive-by Wi-Fi flaw with emergency iOS patch (Help Net Security)
2017-04-04 15:34

Less than a week after Apple pushed out iOS 10.3 comes an iOS emergency patch that all iDevice owners should implement as soon a possible. The security note accompanying iOS 10.3.1 says simply...

185,000+ vulnerable Wi-Fi cameras just waiting to be hijacked (Help Net Security)
2017-03-09 18:45

A generic wireless camera manufactured by a Chinese company and sold around the world under different names and brands can be easily hijacked and/or roped into a botnet. The flaw that allows this...