Security News
NEW YORK (AP) — This week has seen major social media sites step up their policing of online disinformation campaigns. Google disabled dozens of YouTube channels and other accounts linked to a...
In the future, your face could become the trigger for the execution of malware.
Google announced Thursday it would not use artificial intelligence for weapons or to "cause or directly facilitate injury to people," as it unveiled a set of principles for these technologies. read more
The use of Facebook data to target voters has triggered global outrage with the Cambridge Analytica scandal. But the concept is nothing new: Barack Obama made extensive use of the social network...
Interesting analysis and speculation....
Two days ago when infosec bods claimed to have uncovered what's believed to be the first case of a SCADA network (a water utility) infected with cryptocurrency-mining malware, a batch of...
From Donald Trump's election to Brexit and the Catalan crisis, accusations that the Kremlin is meddling in Western domestic affairs have heightened fears over Russian hackers, trolls and...
WikiLeaks is starting a new series of leaks, dubbed Vault 8, containing source code and materials allegedly stolen from the CIA. The Vault 8 leaks will ostensibly cover “source code and analysis...
"Russia has opened a new battlefront with NATO," claims the Wall Street Journal. "Russia may have tested cyber warfare on Latvia," says Reuters. These are two reports about two separate incidents...
Elon Musk is leading demands for a global ban on killer robots, warning technological advances could revolutionise warfare and create new "weapons of terror" that target innocent people. read more