Security News

Rockwell Patches Serious ‘FrostyURL’ PLC Vulnerability (Threatpost)
2015-10-29 12:00

Rockwell Automation has patched a handful of vulnerabilities in its Allen-Bradley MicroLogix programmable logic controllers

Attackers Targeting Unpatched Joomla Sites Through SQL Injection Vulnerability (Threatpost)
2015-10-27 17:43

Attackers have been carrying out attacks on sites running old, unpatched versions of Joomla following the disclosure of a critical SQL injection vulnerability in the software last week

Cloud-based vulnerability management: Top vendors in the field (Help Net Security)
2015-10-26 09:15

With an increasingly fast-paced threat landscape threatening even the most complex network security infrastructures, vulnerability management has become essential. Many vendors are offering cloud-b...