Security News

A 35-year-old Russian was extradited to the United States from Georgia on Friday to answer criminal charges over the massive theft of customer data from JPMorgan Chase and Dow Jones, officials...

Colorado, whose election systems are ranked among the nation's safest, held a cyber-security and disaster exercise Thursday for dozens of state, county and federal elections officials to reinforce...

Cooperation between the private sector and government, says attorney and former CIA case officer Jack Rice, is the best way to protect corporate data from cyber-attacks.

The US government exposed dozens of people's’ personal details, including social security numbers, due to an online mishap on a public transparency portal.

Nearly a year after Russian government hackers meddled in the 2016 U.S. election, researchers at cybersecurity firm Trend Micro zeroed in on a new sign of trouble: a group of suspect websites. read more

Twitter on Thursday started requiring those behind hot-button issue ads in the US to be vetted as part of the effort by the social network to thwart stealth campaigns aimed at influencing...

A US senator has announced a bill that would force the President to punish overseas hackers found targeting the US, or explain why he hadn't.

Don’t worry, they’re only in charge of catching visa and passport fraud A branch of the US State Department charged with detecting visa fraud was found to ignoring basic information security practices.…

The Muslim American wants assurances that the data - including photos of her not wearing a hijab - are deleted.

Facial recognition technology was credited with the arrest this week of a man attempting to use a fake passport to enter the United States at Washington's Dulles airport, officials said. read more