Security News

3 Romanian Men Sentenced for Hacking US Servers
2019-07-24 13:57

Three men who hacked U.S. computers from Romania have been sentenced to prison for a fraud scheme totaling more than $21 million, federal prosecutors in Georgia said Tuesday. read more

Low Barr: Don't give me that crap about security, just put the backdoors in the encryption, roars US Attorney General
2019-07-23 21:38

I don't want to hear about hackers and keys, nerds – make it happen, or we'll pass a law making it happen Analysis If the cops and Feds can't read people's encrypted messages, you will install...

Dodgy vids can hijack PCs via VLC security flaw, US, Germany warn. Software's makers not app-y with that claim
2019-07-23 20:05

'Fake news!' dev team cries VLC is said to be once again vulnerable to remote-code execution – meaning a malicious video opened by the software could potentially crash the media player, or joyride...

US Attorney General Says Encryption Creates Security Risk
2019-07-23 15:31

U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr said Tuesday that increased encryption of data on phones and computers and encrypted messaging apps are putting American security at risk. read more

Equifax to world+dog: If we give you this $700m, can you pleeeeease stop suing us about that mega-hack thing?
2019-07-22 22:58

US senator dismisses cop-out, suggests jail time for execs Data-spaffing consumer credit biz Equifax is offering a package of roughly $700m in order to kill off lawsuits regarding its 2017...

What Call Center Fraud Can Teach Us about Insider Threats
2019-07-22 12:08

Detecting and preventing call center fraud embodies many of the same challenges associated with fighting insider threats.

US Senator Calls for Investigation into Russia-made FaceApp
2019-07-18 13:40

The chart-topping Russian-made FaceApp, which allows users to see how they will look as they age, found itself in the eye of a political storm in the US Wednesday, with one senator urging an FBI...

Ukrainian Hacker Sought by US Arrested
2019-07-18 05:01

Ukraine has arrested an alleged major computer hacker who has been sought by the United States for years. The head of Ukraine’s national security service Ivan Bakanov said Tuesday that Mykhailo...

Ransomware attackers demand $1.8m from US college
2019-07-16 10:35

The school, located in the Bronx and serving around 8,000 students, has declined to say whether it will pay up.

Ransomware attackers, US mayors say you should go jump in a lake
2019-07-15 10:34

The US Conference of Mayors has unanimously adopted a resolution not to pay any more ransoms to hackers.