Security News

New Geinimi Android Trojan Steals Data from Infected Mobile	Applications
2010-12-31 09:48 By Fahmida Y. Rashid 2010-12-30 A sophisticated piece of Android...

Fake Microsoft security alert includes Trojan patch
2005-07-01 09:36,10801,102907,00.html By Robert McMillan JUNE 30, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE A new wave of spam that disguises itself as a Microsoft Corp....

New Trojan masquerades as Windows XP update
2004-01-12 08:14,10801,88940,00.html Story by Paul Roberts JANUARY 09, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Security companies are warning Internet users about a new...

Re: Intrusion detection team denies Trojan claim
2003-09-24 05:32

Forwarded from: Kurt Seifried If you are worried about back doors in Snort: Snort is OpenSource. Snort source archives going back several years (at multiple locations) are available as well as...