Security News

Microsoft released six critical vulnerabilities in addition to patching the much-hyped Badlock vulnerability.

The much anticipated Badlock vulnerability wasn’t in the SMB protocol after all, but in SAM and LSAD and exposed Windows machines to privilege escalation.

Atmos banking malware has perilous pedigree that includes Citadel and ZeuS.

Researchers from Bishop Fox and Uber found a frighteningly simple way to spread trouble through Apple iMessage.

The age of self-propagating ransomware, or cryptoworms, is right around the corner, says Cisco Talos.

Researchers have cobbled together a decryption tool for victims of the Petya ransomware, allowing most users to generate keys in less than 10 seconds.

Security and privacy advocates, along with IT business leaders, slam the Burr-Feinstein bill as misguided and detrimental to encryption.

A number of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in Moxa networking gear won’t be patched until August, if at all, according to ICS-CERT.

WordPress announced that all custom domains hosted on will have HTTPS turned on for free.

Juniper Networks hopes to remove any clouds of uncertainty that its networking gear might still have a backdoor that could allow governments or hackers to snoop on traffic running through its hardware.